After All

After all, this week's posts are obsessions to challenge myself, how to keep my positions as die-hard writer in the group, despite the fact that I rush to write H-1 before the final crowning.

After all, it's just to relieve the mind from being bottled up, not being able to tell anyone what you truly feels. Well, I talked a lot actually, but indeed there are things I can't easily talk with others. Especially when such topic needs a lot of explanation before getting into the point.

After all.... phew! I manage to write ELRAZKA for the title!!! Does anyone recognize it? LOL. It's not a big deal, just a little sensation. Then I wonder if I'm actually a sensation seeker, a sad-story seller or just someone who complains a lot.

Well, after all, it's your life, Ras. No matter what others will say about you, or what yourself will say about you, you need to keep going. Look forward, and look on the bright side of everything. Shadow exist because light is there, shining so bright, dazzling to the eyes. It's your choice to stay in the light of the day, or hide in the dark of the shadow. Or balance between them.

You can't silent people, or dictate them to say what you want to hear. But you can manage your own behavior. Stay humble, stay focus on things you have to do. Let success makes the noise =)

And definitely, I know you can make it through the rain.


  1. Replies
    1. jadi inget tulisanmu tentang bahagia, mbaaa... thanks yah^^

  2. Ahhh ketemu lagi Laras through the rain.. dah kluncum raaass.. ayo mentas.. ngga semua rain harus dianggap rain..kadang diantepin aja dicuekin dibikin sibuk aja kadang sering jg orang ngrasa sibuk jadi ga sadar dan berkata "lo barusan hujan taa" hehhehe ganbatte kudasai

    1. Iya mba=) kau benar. Mo hujan ya hujan aja. Doa hujan, dan nikmati suara rintiknya. Tetep lanjutkan pekerjaan yang belum selesai dan tersenyum menyesap kopi... *eh puasa* hehehe...


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