
What's with "keep"? Haha... it's basically random, actually. I was looking for a word start with K in the dictionary then I found in English-Indonesian dictionary, 'keep' has nine different meaning. Wow... it's kinda cool. So, what are those?

1. Menjaga
2. Memelihara (children)
3. Membuat catatan (book, records)
4. Menyimpan
5. Menerima
6. Menunjukkan
7. Turut
8. Menahan
9. terus (-keeping)

Sayang sekali tidak ada contoh kalimat untuk masing-masing definisi di aplikasi kamus tersebut. Huhuhuw.... Kupikir, aku bakal menemukan contoh kalimat sejenis itu di kamus Inggris-Inggris Longman. Dan ternyata.... hahahaa... ada 26 definisi "keep" dalam kamus Inggris. Aku mo ketawa dulu deh sebelum salut.

1. Not change - stay in a particular state, condition, or position or to make someoe or something do this.
I was struggling to keep awake.
2.  Continue doing something - to continue doing something or to do the same thing many times
I keep telling you, but you won't listen.
3. Not give back - to have something and not give it back to the person who had it before.
You can keep it. I don't need it anymore.
4. Not lose - to continue to have something and not lose it or get rid of it
We decided to keep our old car instead of selling it.
5. Store something - to leave something in one particular place so that you can find it easily
Where do you keep your teabags?
6. Make somebody stays in a place - to make someone stay in a place, especially a prison or hospital
He was kept in prison for a week without charge.
7. Delay somebody - to delay someone
He should be here by now. What's keeping him?
8. Do what you promised - to do what you have promised or agreed to do
How do I know you will keep your word?
9. Keep a secret - to not tell anyone about a secret that you know.
Can I trus you to keep a secret?

etc! Wow, it's a long way to type^^ Maybe I'll post the latter 10-26 definitions in some other times...


  1. Replies
    1. Thx, kakak Olif! Mungkin lain waktu aku bikin posting macem gini aja kali ya? Biar lebih bermanfaat daripada sekedar curcol... hehehe...


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