as lazy as gudetama

Ada yang tahu Gudetama?
Telur malas karakter baru dari Sanrio, temannya Hello Kitty dan kawan-kawan. Telur apa? Iya telur ceplok lah gampangnya gitu. Dia malas sekali. Begitu malas ngapa-ngapain, ngga mau gerak, ngga mau berpindah dari tempatnya. Bersin aja dia males. Kalau aja bisa balik ke cangkangnya, dia bakal masuk cangkang lagi.
Oh oh... lucu b*kongnya ya, ginuk ginuk, hahaha... salah fokus. Kuning telur yang malas gerak, tapi hebatnya jadi karakter yang lagi populer saat ini. Apa Jepang lagi malas-malasnya bikin karakter penyemangat kok karakter slowly so lazy gini malah populer ya? Entahlah... Aku sendiri lagi malas mikir malam ini. Malassss....

Entah kenapa aku begitu magerrr malam ini. Mungkin karena celotehan gak guna dari adekku yang menganggap aku musuhnya. Mungkin karena omongan ibuku bahwa aku marah walau aku diam saja berusaha tidak ngomel. Mungkin memang mereka semua benar dan aku yang salah atas segala ketidakberesanku malam ini.

Aku merasa hampir gila. Atas kondisiku yang menurutku ngga normal. Emangnya, apa itu normalitas? Just because you live a life that's not the same as the most people around you doesn't mean you're abnormal. And just because there's a norm in the society that states life should be like this or that and you're not, doesn't mean you're abnormal. You just happen you live a life that's already a bless, why worry? Why bother those who fail to notice the bless in life?

Yeah, why? I don't know.

It's too much for me to have a son. For I know how reckless, moody, stupid, silly, moron and whatever I am. But Allah trusted me this.... baby. Do you know how precious his smile is? I was crying this afternoon, for I don't even know what's really bothering me, like I just want to cry that's all. He pat my shoulder from the back, he still learns to stand up and when I saw him with tears all over my face, he just laugh. Like it's nothing at all.

"Nothing to be sad about, Mom. You're already good enough so please smile."

As if he could talk and say those words.

"I'm here with you, Mom. You're not alone and why do you have to cry? Just play with me and feed me. Let's live a happy life."

Wow... I wish he never betray me. For the rest of his life. I wish he become my friend for life. Until the time come for him to start his own family.... Or maybe I don't live long enough to see his wife or child? Or maybe that's for the best. I don't know.

I don't know anything tonight. Can't think clearly. I wish to eat anything delicious, but I can't even name one kind of dish I really want to eat. It's just like, I'm longing for something, craving for something that maybe doesn't even real. I wish to fly....


  1. Tak kira si telur ceplok itu sebangsa pokemon hehee, ayooo ras husnudzon nya digenjoott. . 😍

  2. iya juga ya mba... tak genjot chatku ke kamu, hehehe... biar disemangatin terus...

  3. iya juga ya mba... tak genjot chatku ke kamu, hehehe... biar disemangatin terus...

  4. iya juga ya mba... tak genjot chatku ke kamu, hehehe... biar disemangatin terus...


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